Monopoly Rules Learn to play!


Monopoly is one of the most famous board games in history and is based on the exchange and sale of real estate, where the most daring and strategic player can become the main boss of business.

Playing Monopoly offers many advantages that can benefit your day-to-day life, as it helps you develop your ability to concentrate, your ability with numbers and, above all, your negotiation skills.

Classic Monopoly board game How to Play?

  • This classic family board game is designed for 2 to 8 players.
  • Recommended for people older than 8 years old.
  • The objective of the game is to compete in buying and selling real estate to own everything. That’s right, absolutely everything! Until adding each piece of land to your own monopoly.
  • Although at the beginning of the game everyone has the same conditions, with the roll of the dice and the decisions of the players, sooner or later a leader with the largest number of assets will appear, who will be the lord and master of the financial world.

Now, to explain how Monopoly is played, let’s first talk about the pieces and the content of the game:

  • A board divided into 40 squares.
  • 2 dice.
  • 28 letters of property title.
  • Monopoly money.
  • 12 hotels.
  • 32 houses.
  • 16 community box cards.
  • 16 lucky cards.
  • Instructions.

The board is made up of 40 squares that have 22 pieces of land designed to build houses, hotels and other properties depending on the version of the game.

It also includes 2 companies serving all players, 4 railway stations, 8 compensation spaces and 1 penalty space.

Finally, there are the special boxes that are located in each corner of the board, which are labeled “free parking”, “exit”, “only jail visits” and “go to jail”.

The Monopoly board

The board is made up of the following elements:

  • Exit: It’s the point where the fun begins! Every time you or one of your opponents moves through this square, you will be entitled to receive a payment of $200, as long as you do not have to go to prison.
  • Properties: here you can find railways, land and obtain services such as water and electricity. If you arrive at any property, you will have the opportunity to buy it as long as it does not have an owner. But if it already has it, you will have to pay the established rent because businesses are businesses.
  • Communal or lucky box: the player whose turn it is to roll the dice will have to take a card from one of these packages and follow the corresponding instructions to see what financial future awaits him.
  • Taxes – This is the part that no one wants to go through as it is a pain in the ass for some players. Here, each participant will have to pay the bank 10% of their assets or a valuation of $200.
  • Jail: there is always the possibility that you will end up in prison due to the chance of the dice or if you take a letter that sends you there. But don’t worry! If for some reason you end up in prison, all is not loss. You can regain your freedom with these three alternatives: using the “get out of jail” card, pay a $50 fine before your next roll or ask luck to return to your side and thus obtain a pair in the dice during one of the next three turns.
  • Parking free: there is no doubt that doing business and seeking wealth is sometimes a very exhausting task. And even if you do not receive any kind of money or property when you arrive at this box, you should know that this space is design to rest a bit from so many businesses. However, we recommend you not to be on this square at the beginning of the game, although it could become a good strategy later on.

How to play Monopoly? Manual

The first thing to do is place the board on the table and place the Chance and Communal Box cards face down on their assigned spaces on the board.

All players will start the game with $1,500, which will be distribute in bills of the following denominations:

  • 2 $100 bills.
  • 2 $500 bills.
  • 2 $50 bills.
  • 6 $20 bills.
  • 5 $10 bills.
  • 5 $5 bills.
  • 5 $1 bills.

For this part it is necessary to choose the best administrator of the group to be the banker of the game. And if this person also wants to play, they will have to keep their money separate from the bank funds so there is no confusion.

The banker is in charge of paying salaries and bonuses, collecting taxes, the value of the properties that are sold or auctioned, loans with interest and, of course, collecting fines.

Monopoly Rules

On the other hand, the Monopoly rules are as follows:

  • The player who gets the highest number when rolling the dice will start the game.
  • Each participant will have to place the token they have chosen to go around the board in the “start” box.
  • Don’t worry if your token lands on the same space as one of the other players’ tokens, since according to the rules of the game it is completely valid.
  • You will have to roll the dice again if any of these manage to roll one of the cards that are in the center of the board. And the fallen card will no longer be valid.
  • It is important that you know that, within the fun mechanics of the game, getting pairs so often is not always good, since if you get doubles three times in a row you will have to go straight to jail.
  • Depending on the square in which you land, you can do any of the following actions: pay rent or a tax, go through the “visiting jail”, or fall into the “jail”, buy a piece of land, collect $200 from the bank (if you go through the “exit” again), rest a bit in the “parking free” box, or take a luck or community card to do what is indicated on it.
  • In Monopoly there are three kinds of property: utilities, stations, and lots. If you land on any of these boxes you can buy it, as long as no one else has bought it before.
  • In the event that you or any other player does not want to buy the property in which it has land, it will enter into public auctions and will be won by the one who pays the most money for it, that is, the best be
    }ttor in the game.
  • Solar buildings should only be sell to the bank.
  • If you get all your properties to have the same color, you can buy houses and hotels to sell them at the price indicated on each card.
  • A property with houses or hotels is much more valuable! This is because the price increases so you can charge more to the players who pass by. So don’t miss any opportunity to buy hotels or houses.
  • As the good merchant that you are, you can sell your properties to another player at the price that best suits you.
  • A person who owes more money than they have must declare bankruptcy.
  • If your debt is greater than what you owe and you owe it to another player, you will have to give them everything you have, no exceptions.
  • If you go bankrupt and own a house or hotel, you will have to turn those properties over to the bank, which will pay you half of their value.
  • If you have a building or property mortgaged and you have fallen into bankruptcy, that property will become the player to whom you owe money. And the new owner will have to pay the Bank 10% of the value of that property, for interest on the loan.
  • It is not allow for a player to lend money to another. That option is only available to the bank.
  • If you are already bankrupt, but in this case you don’t owe any player, but the bank Guess what? You will have to deliver all your assets to the banker, who will put all your properties up for auction except for the buildings.
  • Finally, players who have gone bankrupt will have to quit the game until there is only one player leave. Which will be the new head of all the land and the master of business.

Tricks to win at Monopoly

  • Avoid buying the most expensive properties. Although it may seem like a good idea to acquire the most luxurious properties like “El Paseo de la Castellana”, it will do you good to avoid them, since other players are unlikely to fall for them.
  • If you manage to obtain a monopoly, we recommend you mortgage everything. That’s right! Although it seems crazy, borrowing is not always so bad. Why? When you have a monopoly and you mortgage the rest, you have the opportunity to spend every dollar to build houses. And believe us when we tell you that a monopoly with two or three houses on each square is much more valuable than a lone property with cheap rent.
  • Buy as many orange properties as you can! The chances of players landing inside an orange square are very high. And every time someone gets out of jail, they almost certainly go through a square of this color.



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